October 31, 2005

Linksys Default Number of IP Addresses

When setting up a Linksys router; and by that I mean any Linksys router you may notice that by default the setup program turns on DHCP and allows the DHCP server to allocate up to 253 IP addresses. For many folks this number should be in the range of 1 to 3. I have 8 PCs, two network printers, two wireless access points, and a network storage device and I manage to use only 8 IP addresses (OK, some of those devices are behind another Firewall and others are behind a VPN router). Things to think about here are if you have any non PC type devices that might attach to the Linksys. For example I have the family Tivo box set up with a wireless network interface and that uses an address. IP phones might also fall into this category.

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